Weeknotes 13

  1. My friend Sieta did an interview on the Subtle Disrupters podcast, about her work at CERES, where they help people to “fall in love with the earth again”. It’s great. She shares so much wisdom.

    We are in a climate emergency. […] CERES needs to continue […] exploring these new ways of being, connecting to people, showing compassion, so that people have this seed of hope for the future that they can hold in dark times.

  2. I’ve been keeping half an eye on Clean Coffee which is “a remote meetup where people working in technology come together to discuss how to make tech greener and more environmentally sustainable”.

    Alicia (a former colleague at Loco2!) wrote up Clean Coffee #4 this week, and I enjoyed reading about what they’ve been discussing.

    Drink driving (or “drunk driving” for US readers) was once socially acceptable, it isn’t anymore. What will it take for a 3-day trip from London to New York, say, to also be deemed socially unacceptable?

  3. I’ve been investigating the software side of the LED light art project I mentioned last week and an advisor put me onto LX Studio which is a pretty amazing platform built on Processing. It allows you to create a 3D model of your LEDs and then map animations onto the model, as well as combining them in all sorts of interesting ways to create unique effects. You can even mix between channels in much the same way as you would do in an audio mixer.

    It has been used to create some epic installations, such as the Tree of Ténéré as well as a piece our advisor worked on for the Vivid Sydney light festival.

  4. I spent some time digging further into Open Food Network this week (see weeknotes 11), reading over their open handbook. I’m going to start contributing code as a volunteer and see how it feels. (Though in case you’re wondering, some people do get paid.)


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